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cekaceka..... ini pertama kli'a ane bikin blog.. rpa'a rumit juga ya... ga tau apa yg mau di isi... tmpilan msih acak-acakan lagi..... sumpah ane ga tau mau ngisi apa lagi.... wlaupun bgitu ane tetap berkipir mau isi apa ni blog.... suuumpaaaaah..... ane ga tau mau diisi pa lagi ni blog.... inspirasiiiiiiiiiiiiii pliiiiiiiiiisssss.... datanglaaaah...........

hehehehe.... aga lebay dikit.....
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Brief History of Bukittinggi


In the constitutional life, Bukittinggi has been being a central Sumatera government as well as Sumatera at all since the Netherlands colonialism era, the Japanese colonialism era and the independence era. Indeed, Bukittinggi had been the Central Government of the Indonesia Republic after Yogyajarta was occupied by Netherlands on December 1948 until June 1949.

During the first Netherlands government, Bukittinggi was always enhanced its role in constitutional by the Netherlands based on Stbl in 1828 callled Gemetelyk Resort. The Netherlands has established a blockhouse in 1825, which is known as the Fortress "Fort De Kock." The Netherlands officers who were in duty had used Bukittinggi for resting place.

By the Japanese government, Bukittinggi was the central military government control for Sumatera areas as well as Singapore and Thailand, because the commando of 25th military occupied this place. At that time, Bukittinggi changed its name from Taddsgemente Fort de Kock be Bukittinggi The Yaku Sho, which its land extended to villages in Sianok, Gadut, Kapau, Ampang Gadang, Batu Taba and Bukik Batabuah but now they are in Agam regency areas. This city also had been being the city, which has largest radio transmitter that was made by Japanese army in the Sumatera Islands in order to raise the spirit of the Indonesian people for supporting the Greater East Asia war in Japanese version.

At the time of Indonesian struggle for Independence, Bukitinggi has role as the struggle city. Bukitttinggi had been appointed as the Capital City for Indonesian Republic Emergency Government (PDRI) since December 1948 until June 1949, after Yogyakarta fallen down to the Netherlands.

Furthermore, Bukittinggi had been the capital city of Sumatra Province when Tengku Muhammad Hasan was Governor. Then, in the regulations of government exchange in UU No. 4 of 1959. Bukittinggi was determined as the capital city of central sumatera, which included West Sumatra, Jambi, Riau and every each of their regencies. But now every each residency has been the independence province.

After the residency was developed into the West Sumatera province, Bukittinggi was appointed as the provincial capital. Since 1958, in De Facto system, the provincial city has been moved to Padang, but in De Jure system, Bukittinggi was not the capital city of West Sumatra province started on 1978, which was decided by the Government Regulation No. 29 of 1979, which transferred the capital of West Sumatra province to Padang.

Now, Bukittinggi status is the municipality of second-level region that accordance with UU No. 5 year 1974 on The Main of Regional Government that has been perfected by UU NO. 22/99.

Briefly the developments of Bukittinggi could be seen as follows:

A. In the period of the Netherlands colonization

For the first, Bukittinggi was only Geemente Fort De Kock and then became Staadgemente Fort De Kock as stipulated in Staadblad No. 358 of 1938 with the total area was equal to the Bukittinggi area.

B. In the period of Japanese colonization

In this period, Bukittinggi was named Shi Yaku Sho, which has a wider area, such as Sianok villages, Gadit, Ampang Gadang, Batu Taba and Bukit Batabuah.

C. In the Independence period and Now

1. At the beginning of the Indonesian proclamation, Bukittinggi area was not changed, which the first major was Bermawi Sutan Rajo Ameh.
2. The Provision Governor of Sumatera Province No. 391 dated June 9, 1947 has determined that Bukittinggi city has a right for concerning the establishment of City in the Central Sumatera Province environment.
3. The establishment of Bukittinggi as the autonomous city in the Central Sumatera environment with principal legislation about the local government No. 22 of 1960, which stipulated by UU No.9 of 1956.
4. Bukittinggi Township, as stipulated in the Law of Local Government No. 1 of 1957 jo. Pen. Prs. No. 6 of 1959 jo. Pen. PRS. No. 5 of 1960.
5. Bukittinggi Municipality as that stipulated in UU no. 5 year 1974 about the Principles of Local Government.

Bukittinggi has the variety of status and functions that were described above, so we can conclude that Bukittinggi has the strategic location and also supported by the cool weather because this location in the row of Bukit Barisan.

In terms of social, Bukitinggi has important role in regional, national, and International. In this city is often held the meetings of the Government, scientific meetings, congress by local organizations and etc.

The birthday of Bukittinggi has been appointed on January 22, 1784 by the local government with the decree of the major of Bukittinggi city No. 188. 45-177-1988 dated December 17, 1988.
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Bukittinggi, Rang Awak City

Nestled in the highlands north of Padang in the Agam valley, the town of Bukittinggi or ‘high hill’ is West Sumatra’s cultural center. While Padang may be the modern commercial and administrative hub, Bukittinggi is a bustling market town.
Although it is less than a degree south of the equator, Bukittinggi has a refreshingly cool climate due to its elevation – over 900 meters above sea level. While it rains here often, this is not enough to deter travelers who come to enjoy what many claim is the most hospitable city in Sumatra.
The town also has an alternative name, Tri Arga, which refers to the three majestic mountains that shape the regions fortunes.
Many visitors come to Bukittinggi to visit the remarkable Ngarai Sianok Canyon where giant rock cliff faces, rugged trees which grow on top and the dramatic surrounding mountains make this canyon a spellbinding view.
This is an ideal place to go if you want to get beyond the average tourist trail. Compared to other spots in Sumatra, Bukkitinggi only receives a handful of visitors that use the town as a base for nearby hikes or to take cultural tours to the Minangkabau highland.
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Auldia Rahman
kenalkan ane aul atau boleh juga di panggil aol... yang mana aja bole yang penting happy... ini blog pertama ane jadi kalau ada kekurangan tolong di maklumi aja ya... atau kalau ada masukan dan saran silahkan comment aja... ga perlu malu".. karna kalau malu" kapan maju'a ya kan...??
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